This page tells you — a US-CMS Upgrades project reviewer — how to get access to project information (some of it is confidential and so is not publicly accessible).


OPTION 1: if you do not have a CERN account

You can access protected content using your external Email as a userid and by choosing yourself a password as follows:

  1. Register your Email with CERN and choose a password using this 1-minute web form .
  2. Tell which Email address you have registered.
  3. He will grant you access to relevant web pages and DocDB documents and inform you.
  4. When accessing protected information login with your Email address and chosen password.
  5. Check you can see this test document for reviewers in DocDB.
  6. Check you can see this test web page for reviewers.


OPTION 2: if you already have a CERN account
  1. Email your CERN username to
  2. He will grant you access to relevant web pages and DocDB documents and inform you.
  3. When accessing protected information login with your CERN username and password.
  4. Check you can see this test document for reviewers in DocDB.
  5. Check you can see this test web page for reviewers.