
| nstathak | Collaboration
In physics research, results are frequently represented in complex diagrams, and colour is an essential tool to help the reader extract key information.  Making sure our colour schemes are friendly to people with colour-vision deficiency (CVD…
| sohurst | Collaboration
Peter Higgs was one of the pioneers who brought the electroweak theory and the Standard Model of particle physics into being in the 1960s. He posited a new field and particle that would provide a mechanism for how elementary particles gain mass. The…
| nstathak | Collaboration
The CMS experiment at CERN is proud to announce the first release of 13 TeV proton-proton collision data collected in 2016. Over 70 TB of 13 TeV collision data and 830 TB of corresponding simulations are now accessible to the global scientific…
| sohurst | Collaboration
  The time has come to wrap up the year! Ready? Let’s do it! Not only did CMS celebrate the restart of LHC Run 3 in April at the record energy of 13.6 TeV, but this year also saw the long-awaited Heavy-Ion run. It marked the first Heavy-Ion run…
| sohurst | Collaboration
Above: CERN and CMS delegations received by Ms Ana Brnabić the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia. (Image: Serbian Ministry of Information and Telecommunications) On December 9, 2023. CERN and the Republic of Serbia signed a Memorandum of…
| sohurst | Collaboration
Yesterday at 7:46 pm the first stable beams of the LHC 2023 heavy-ion run have been recorded. The heavy-ion run allows CMS scientists to study states of matter similar to those of the early universe. During this period, the CERN accelerators operate…
| sohurst | Collaboration
Every year, at least three young researchers within the CMS Collaboration are recognised for their exceptional efforts and achievements with the CMS Young Researcher Prize! It is not only an endorsement of their outstanding skills and dedication,…
| nstathak | Collaboration
New release of simulations, proton-lead collision data, and proton reference data The CMS experiment's extensive collection of heavy ion data from LHC Run-1 (2010–2013) is now accessible through the CERN Open Data portal. Today’s release of proton-…
| nstathak | Collaboration
Congratulations to Angira Rastogi, Willem Verbeke, and David Walter who won the 2022 CMS Ph.D. Thesis Award! The CMS Collaboration recognizes annually the outstanding achievements of young scientists through this award and highlights the exceptional…
| nstathak | Collaboration
The time for the 2022 CMS awards has come and we are glad to present the winners! Every year the CMS Award committee is honoring some of the CMS Collaboration’s members for their outstanding work and dedication to the CMS sub-detectors. "We are very…
| nstathak | Collaboration
If we consider 2022 as a season of the worldwide TV series called "The CMS Experiment at CERN", we would definitely say this has been highly rated and we can’t just wait for the next season to start. As at every end of season, we have prepared for…
| nstathak | Collaboration
All proton-proton data collected by the CMS experiment during LHC Run-1 (2010-2012) are now available through the CERN Open Data Portal. Today’s release of 491 TB of collision data collected during 2012 culminates the process that started in 2014…