
| lapka | Collaboration
Last week, CERN hosted the first workshop on High Energy Theory and Gender focusing on recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and cosmology, and discussed issues of gender and equal opportunities in the field. Unfortunately, one of…
| lapka | Collaboration
Congratulations to four CMS scientists, Kerstin Borras, David Saltzberg, Robin Erbacher and Paul Padley, who were elected as American Physical Society (APS) Fellows in 2018 for their exceptional contributions to the field of physics. The American…
| achintya | Collaboration
20 December 2017: The CMS Collaboration at CERN is pleased to announce the release of the third batch of high-level open data from the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), available on the CERN Open Data portal. This batch contains over…
| Anonymous | Collaboration
On 19 December 2016 a ceremony at CERN marked the tenth donation of computing equipment to an academic institution, the Escuela Politécnica Nacional in Ecuador.   On this occasion, 72 servers, two racks and two network switches were donated to…
| achintya | Collaboration
Rediscover the Standard Model of particle physics and much more with open data from the Large Hadron Collider Today, the CMS Collaboration at CERN has released more than 300 terabytes (TB) of high-quality open data. These include over 100 TB, or 2.5…
| achintya | Collaboration
Fermilab’s Joel Butler will take the reins of the CMS collaboration in September, after having been elected as its new spokesperson during the last CMS Week. On 10 February, members of the CMS Collaboration Board, the “parliament” of the…
| cmspeopl | Collaboration
Michel Della Negra and Tejinder (Jim) Virdee have been recognized for their work on CMS by their respective national physics institutes. Michel has been awarded the 2014 prix André Lagarrigue for his “qualités exceptionelles de batisseur de…
| adavid | Collaboration
CMS is eager to see the first collisions of the LHC Run2. The recent news that the LHC restart may be delayed because of a hardware issue gives us extra time to prepare for those collisions. Far from being idle waiting for collisions, CMS is busy…
| virdee | Collaboration
Every year, the CMS Young Researcher’s Prize is awarded to CMS members who are less than around eight years into their careers after the completion of their PhD or an equivalent qualification. The Prize recognizes their outstanding achievements and…
| achintya | Collaboration
Yes, that’s correct: photon collider. The Large Hadron Collider is known for smashing together protons. The energy from these collisions gets converted into matter, producing new particles that allow us to explore the nature of our Universe. The…
| barneyd | Collaboration
On 17th and 18th July CMS held its first "Induction Course for Newcomers". Stemming from an idea discussed by the CMS Management earlier in the year, the idea was to give newcomers an overview of the detector - including its history, operation and…
| sphicas | Collaboration
Marco Peruzzi (Institute for Particle Physics, ETH Zurich) has been awarded the CHIPP Prize 2014 for the best PhD student in experimental or theoretical particle physics in Switzerland by the Swiss Institute of Particle Physics, "for his original…