
| fblekman | Physics
The CMS collaboration has examined for the first time the kinematic dependence of the production of a top quark and a W boson. This gives insight into the quantum interference of top quark production at the LHC and allows more accurate…
| fblekman | Physics
To investigate when the Standard Model will start breaking down, the CMS Experiment looks at extremely rare collisions where the Large Hadron Collider is working as a boson-boson collider. This can teach us more about the nature of the…
| fblekman | Physics
New, undiscovered charged particles could be produced by the LHC, leaving tracks in CMS that look similar to tracks from Standard Model particles. If the new particle decays to other, unseen new particles inside the CMS tracker, a very striking…
| fblekman | Physics
Nowadays, artificial neural networks have an impact on many areas of our day-to-day lives. They are used for a wide variety of complex tasks, such as driving cars, performing speech recognition (for example, Siri, Cortana, Alexa), suggesting…
| fblekman | Physics
At the LHC, protons do not collide one at a time. Instead, the protons are combined into bunches, packages of more than 100,000 million (1011) protons. These bunches are then pointed at each other at the four collision points of the LHC. Even when…
| fblekman | Physics
The CMS collaboration presented over ten brand-new results in the latest installment of the Quark Matter conference, one of the largest conferences in the field of heavy-ion physics. In heavy-ion physics, the properties of the quark-gluon plasma, a…
| fblekman | Physics
A new result by the CMS Collaboration narrows down the mass of the Higgs boson to a precision of 0.1%. After reporting the observation of the Higgs boson at the CERN LHC in 2012, scientists the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations have been busy…
| fblekman | Physics
For the first time, CMS physicists have measured the production rate of top quark pairs as a function of three experimental observables simultaneously. The new result helps to answer several fundamental questions, among which, the properties of…
| fblekman | Physics
For the first time, CMS physicists have investigated an effect called the “running” of the top quark mass, a fundamental quantum effect predicted by the Standard Model. Mass is one of the most complex concepts in fundamental physics, which went…
| fblekman | Physics
When the CMS experiment records particle collision events, a large number of unwanted extra collisions overlap in the detector and hide the rare particle collision that is worthwhile studying. CMS physicists have developed a new method that…
| fblekman | Physics
New algorithms from the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment use the ideas used in mobile phone facial recognition to better understand the collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. One of the most exciting challenges at the Large Hadron Collider is the…
| fblekman | Physics
The Bs  meson is a bound state of a strange quark and a beauty antiquark – as such it possesses both beauty and strangeness! For many years, searches for an extremely rare decay of the Bs meson, to a μ+μ-  pair, remained a holy grail…