
| lucas | Collaboration
This page is to help CMS collaborators communicate with the media, public, students, etc. It will be updated as soon new material is available. Send comments or questions to Lucas Taylor CMS at ICHEP: useful links ICHEP: home page | Indico…
| achintya | Collaboration
The LHC began its 2012 run in early April, colliding protons at a world-record centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV[1]. In just over two months, CMS has recorded more data than in the 2011 run. As of the short technical stop starting June 18, the LHC…
| lapka | Collaboration
While the LHC will play the starring role in the 2013/2014 Long Shutdown (LS1), the break will also be a chance for its experiments to upgrade their detectors. CMS will be expanding its current muon detection systems, fitting 72 new cathode strip…
| lucas | Collaboration
An application using real event data from CMS has won “Best Science” prize in a public “Science Hack Day” held in Nairobi between 13th and 15th April 2012. Science Hack days bring together a wide range of enthusiastic members of the public to…
| lucas | Collaboration
Tejinder (Jim) Virdee, CMS co-founder and former Spokesperson (2006-2010), was today elected as Fellow of the prestigious Royal Society of the UK. Royal society fellows are “the most eminent scientists, engineers and technologists from the UK and…
| achintya | Collaboration
The Year-End Technical Stop or YETS, when the LHC takes its annual break, seemed like a quiet time to those outside CERN. After all, there were no collisions taking place and the CMS detector was not operating 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week.…
| adavid | Collaboration
A new year with new energy and new luminosities: 2012 holds the promise to close the question on the existence (or absence) of a Standard Model Higgs boson. Besides the obvious challenges posed by the LHC restart at a higher energy and a much…
| archana | Collaboration
As high-energy particle physics pushes exploration at energy and luminosity frontiers, experiments are becoming increasingly complex – and this, in turn, drives the need for developments in particle detectors and their associated technologies.…
| lucas | Collaboration
The DT upgrade pages has been updated to include new links to many items such as meetings, documents, results and so on. See: -- Cristina Fernández Bedoya
| chamizo | Collaboration
CMS has just recorded the first collisions with stable beams at a world-record collision energy of 8 TeV[1]. CMS took good quality data with all sub-detectors working well. The LHC fill lasted for 1h34min and the "pile-up" at the beginning of the…
| lapka | Collaboration
On Monday, 12th March 2012, 16 high-school students from Annecy, France awoke with excitement; they knew it was not going to be an ordinary day! Although they live only 40 km away from CERN, the students had never visited the laboratory, and on this…
| lucas | Collaboration
Please tell us how we can improve the new CMS internal website by clicking on this 1-minute web survey at: Please don't delay. We'll close the survey at the end of CMS Week and then start implementing missing features. If you…