Building the huge and complex CMS detector was a big engineering challenge but the contribution of industrial companies all across the globe made it possible. Their contributions are not only limited to the construction phase of the detector but are continuous as the CMS gets upgraded to advance the research even furthur.
The companies who excellently contributed to the construction of the experiment by providing detector components within specifications and on the schedule and contributed with their efforts by working on better products, exploring novel technologies, and collaborating in Research & Development programs are awarded the “CMS industry award.”
Nominations to the CMS Industry Award committee can be made by a CMS member who is usually the technical responsible for the supply. The committee constitutes the CMS Spokesperson, the Chair of the Collaboration Board, the Technical Coordinator, and the Industry Award Chair.
Industry awards are categorized into the Crystal Award and the Gold Award, based on the contract value, type of the project and/or comapnies’ contribution to the development of new products.
The ceremony is usually held at the end of a Long-Shutdown period, when the most significant detector upgrades take place.
“In 2022, the CMS experiment is going to award both industries that contributed to the important maintenance and upgrade works during the Long Shutdown 2 and companies which have collaborated with us on the research and development for the Phase 2 upgrades”.- Francesca Cavallari, Chairperson of the CMS Industry Awards.
This year, CMS awarded six industrial companies with “Gold Award” for their excellent contributions to the upgrades of the different CMS sub-detectors. The projects were related to both the detector’s recent upgrade phase- Long Shutdown 2 and the future upgrade phase: High-Luminosity LHC.
Let’s know more about the significant contributions of each award-winning industry!
Brevetti Stendalto S.p.A. Monza Italy - For the outstanding contribution in supplying the new CMS Endcap cable chains during the LHC Long Shutdown 2
Teknemika Cinisello Balsamo (MI) Italy - For the quality controls and high precise shaping of the HPL electrodes for the CMS Resistive Plate Chambers
PURICELLI S.R.L Costa Masnaga (LC) Italy - For the industrial production of uniform resistivity HPL panels for the CMS Resistive Plate Chambers
W.E.I.’N VENICE S.r.l. Venezia Italy - For the design of the new enfourneur, the machine for the insertion and extraction of the CMS ECAL crystal super-modules.
Hybrid SA Chez-le-Bart Switzerland - For their collaboration and flexibility in the development of the novel hexagonal PCBs for silicon-sensor modules of the CMS High-Granularity Calorimeter
Rock West Composites Inc. San Diego (CA) USA - For excellence in collaborative design finalization and subsequent fabrication of the BTL-Tracker Support Tube prototype