Summer is here! The CMS Collaboration is participating in conferences throughout July and August, presenting on recent studies. Make sure to check back here as this page will be updated with the latest news as we move through the summer months.…
Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider have reported another twist in their search for the "God Particle" after signals that they hoped might lead them to the Higgs boson disappeared. [...]
The Higgs boson, the most sought-after particle in all of physics, is proving tougher to find than physicists had hoped. [...]
The Higgs boson is the only particle predicted by the Standard Model that has not yet been seen by experiments. It helps explain how elementary particles acquire mass. If the Higgs boson exists it will be produced in proton-proton collisions at the…
Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider say a signal that suggested they might have seen "hints" of the long-sought Higgs boson particle has weakened. [...]
Ripples of excitement swept through the physics community last month when Cern scientists reported what looked like glimpses of the long-sought Higgs boson. But the hopes have been dashed as it was revealed that the tantalising hints had all but…