Have you ever observed the CMS logo?
It depicts the CMS detector with its concentric layers and four muon tracks.
CMS official logos. Left, the first logo; right, the celebrating LGBTQ+ edition
The design of the detector was developed 30 years ago…
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The CMS collaboration welcomes its ninth management team: the new spokesperson, Patricia McBride, and the two deputies, Wolfgang Adam and Lucia Silvestris, will represent the Collaboration for the next two years.
With more than 5000 scientists,…
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The long-awaited LHC Run 3 has started!
Yesterday, 5th of July 2022, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN delivered proton-proton collisions at the energy of 13.6 trillion electron volts (TeV) for the first time, setting a new world record. The…
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Building the huge and complex CMS detector was a big engineering challenge but the contribution of industrial companies all across the globe made it possible. Their contributions are not only limited to the construction phase of the detector but are…
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As every year, we are happy to congratulate the CMS award winners!
CMS Collaboration is proud to successfully advance knowledge, scientific research and technology for years but, no doubt, all this would not have been possible without the…
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The CMS Collaboration recognizes the efforts and outstanding achievements of the young members of the CMS honoring them with the CMS Young Researcher Prize. This endorsement of their skills and dedication not only paves their future career path but…
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Each year, the CMS collaboration recognizes exceptional Ph.D. student work with the Thesis Award. The theses distinguished by the award may also provide inspiration and motivation for the new generations of students.
All Ph.D. students who conducted…
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CMS firmly supports the CERN Council statement. We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and all those whose lives are deeply affected by the war. We strongly believe in scientific cooperation as a driver for peace and, in line with…
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The CMS collaboration is happy to congratulate its members Dr. Austin Ball and Professor Phil Butler who not only made significant contributions to science but are also highly honoured in their respective countries for their achievements.
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Before saying goodbye to 2021, we’re proud to look back at major milestones reached by CMS collaboration both on physics results and detector upgrades along the year. It is impossible to mention all the achievements on various fronts; what we…
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As the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) brace for the start of Run 3 of the accelerator’s programme in 2022, the CMS collaboration has released a new batch of research-quality open data recorded by the CMS detector in 2015, the first…
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CERN’s most ambitious emergency response exercise to date took place on 13 November at LHC Point 5, with the involvement of French, Swiss and CERNois safety and rescue teams
It is a peaceful Saturday morning in Cessy, France. Thick autumn…