
| achintya | Physics
Z bosons produced in collisions of heavy ions have been observed for the first time by the CMS experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC). CMS observed 10 events containing a distinctive candidate Z boson reconstructed from a pair of electrons…
| achintya | Physics
The CMS Collaboration at CERN released today a paper entitled "Observation of Long-Range Near-Side Angular Correlations in Proton-Proton Collisions" that details signs of a new phenomenon in proton interactions. A study of "high multiplicity"…
| achintya | Physics
For the past four months the LHC has been ramping-up the intensity of the beams, creating billions of 7 TeV proton-proton collisions. This has enabled CMS to study a variety of known physics from the Standard Model, including the "re-discovery" of…
| achintya | Physics
The first 7 TeV (3.5 TeV + 3.5 TeV) collisions took place on 30th March 2010, starting around 1pm local (Geneva) time and lasting for about 3.5 hours. Read the CERN Press Release here. The CMS detector and its collaborators are all eagerly awaiting…
| maiqbal | Physics
  CMS discovers associated production of a Z boson and an ϒ meson. At the CMS experiment, we have observed for the first time an exceptionally rare process: the associated production of a Z boson with an ϒ(1S) meson, the lightest bound state of…
| maiqbal | Physics
  The CMS experiment achieves the most precise determination of the strength of the strong nuclear force using the rates of production of jets at several centre-of-mass energies. The strengths of the fundamental interactions in Nature drive the…
| maiqbal | Physics
  The CMS experiment studies the Higgs boson as a potential window into dark matter, and sets constraints on this mechanism, which gives rise to isotropic sprays of low-energy particles. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) describes the strong…
| maiqbal | Physics
  In a recent measurement, the CMS experiment confirms a slight but persistent disagreement between the simulated and the observed rates of events in which a top quark pair is produced accompanied by a W boson. One of the goals of the CMS…