Dark matter is mysterious. In some ways, we know a lot about it, including its average density in the universe and upper limits for how strongly the dark matter particles might interact with each other or with “normal” Standard Model particles. In…
ajafari |
Experimental particle physics is like a game of hide and seek. Physicists endeavor to seek what is hidden by exploring all the possibilities. The hidden truths, which interpret the rules of nature, lie within elementary particles and how they…
ajafari |
The amount of data that CMS has collected so far is truly astounding, thanks to the very large number of proton-proton collisions that the LHC has provided, over more than a decade, and to the large rate of events that CMS can record. And yet, even…
ajafari |
The CMS collaboration has seen evidence of a rare mechanism to produce four top quarks. The simultaneous production of four top quarks is predicted by the standard model and, as a bonus, the process is sensitive to many hypothetical undiscovered…
nstathak |
If we consider 2022 as a season of the worldwide TV series called "The CMS Experiment at CERN", we would definitely say this has been highly rated and we can’t just wait for the next season to start.
As at every end of season, we have prepared for…
nstathak |
All proton-proton data collected by the CMS experiment during LHC Run-1 (2010-2012) are now available through the CERN Open Data Portal. Today’s release of 491 TB of collision data collected during 2012 culminates the process that started in 2014…
ajafari |
Imagine you are at a museum. After a long day admiring the exhibitions, you are exiting the museum. But to be able to get out, you will need to exit through the gift shop. The layout of the gift shop can be set up in several ways. Maybe you can take…
ajafari |
It was a bit more than 10 years ago that together with our colleagues from the ATLAS experiment, we at CMS announced the discovery of this new (and quite amazing) particle. Now, detecting a new fundamental particle is no easy feat; in these 10 years…
fbaldass |
This October, the first component of the milliQan detector has been installed on top of the CMS experimental cavern, and it is now taking data at the high energy of LHC RUN3.
The milliQan detector project was proposed as a new LHC experiment in 2016…
ajafari |
On 5 July 2022, the LHC surpassed the previous energy limits of experimental particle physics, breaking its own record by achieving stable proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of √s = 13.6 TeV. This marked the start of Run 3, the…
ajafari |
What is the Universe made of? Searching for the answer to this question has been the main quest of particle physicists. Part of the answer is provided by the highly-successful Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, whose last achievement is the…
fbaldass |
Have you ever observed the CMS logo?
It depicts the CMS detector with its concentric layers and four muon tracks.
CMS official logos. Left, the first logo; right, the celebrating LGBTQ+ edition
The design of the detector was developed 30 years ago…